Sunday, June 16, 2013

Something You Might Like-Pictures From Back East

I, of course, took some photos back East.   Some are of treasures I found, others are of downtown Philly and some were taken at the grocery store in Silver Spring.  Some many things not found out here in the West!

My husband's business card from when we were dating, back in the '70's

My grandmother's ivory crochet hook

My grandfather's singer sewing machine from 1926.  The manual says 1925, so it must have been made at the beginning of 1926.

I gave this to my mom many moons ago.
City Hall

Arch Street in Chinatown
My husband used to eat this as a kid.  Cooked in the slotted toaster while suspended from a fork.

My sister's next door neighbor's car.  She's almost 91 and still drives her Chevy Nova!
 We went to a college graduation party while I was back East.  The family is originally from Mali.  There was a fully roasted and stuffed lamb for the celebration.  We all gathered in the kitchen for the unwrapping and serving of the lamb, which was cooked in a traditional Mali way.

 The graduate was beautiful.  She graduated with 2 degrees, both of them Magna Cum Laude.  She left 3 days after her graduation for an internship in Africa with the State Department.  Congratulations Aissata and family for a wonderfully warm welcome into your home on this occasion.
One Planet Yarn and Fiber

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